Science Fiction &
Fantasy Writers!

Unleash Your
Story's Potential:
Transform Your
Draft into a

This 12-month small group mastermind program will help you take your first draft and get it publish-ready with two expert teachers and professional novelists.

With a dream of being a published author, you dove in and accomplished what most wanna-be writers never do - a first draft!

You have accomplished the biggest hurdle to becoming a published author. Congrats!

Does this sound familiar?

You want to learn all you can to create a great book, but your mind is stuck, thinking:

  • Is my novel any good?
  • How do I know when my book is ready to be published?
  • How do I get unstuck in the writing process?
  • How exactly do I edit my beautiful, precious, confusing first draft?
  • How can I market my book when marketing feels so icky?
  • Am I the only one confused and overwhelmed by all the steps? How do other writers handle all the things?

Many writers will leave their first draft to sit on their hard drive and it will never see the light of day because they stopped there.

You are different.

You know that this book can touch the lives of your readers and all you need are the steps to craft that published book.

About The Instructors, Beth and Ezra Barany

We're award-winning novelists who met in a fiction critique group 26 years ago. Beth writes in three genres -- young adult epic adventure fantasy, paranormal/fantasy romance for adults, and science fiction mystery-- and runs a successful business as a coach, international instructor, podcaster, and consultant for authors and organizations. Ezra writes under two names, blending thriller, suspense, and mystery, plus paranormal, supernatural, and romance. Together they know what it takes to generate writing and to publish, amidst a busy life. And that's how they know you can live your writing dreams today.

We worked with 1000s of novelists guiding them from draft status to published book in their hands. And we know the dedication it takes.  


A 12-month Author Group
Mastermind Program

“I can’t tell you how much your coaching and friendship has meant to me. I would never have gotten as far as I have without both of you. My only real regret is I didn’t know about your [program] earlier. Your lessons and instructions are the cornerstone of my new writing career.”


Author of Otherworldly Romantic Adventures

To take your science fiction or fantasy first draft and get it publish-ready with two expert teachers and professional novelists in a supportive community.

Because you are unique...

We help you find the creative editing path that works best for you.

As you edit and improve your own writing by giving and receiving feedback and learning in a small highly-interactive group, you will develop mastery.

We believe that learning to edit and revise your own book is best achieved through hands-on experience rather than solely relying on books or classes.
There is no one right way to edit and revise a novel.

The creative soul that wrote the book can learn how to edit it too.

Come stretch creatively, learning how to befriend the critical judgmental mind and have it work for you.

Trust the unknown.

Gain faith in yourself.


Respect the muse.

“I had wanted for some time to complete NaNoWriMo and found it a daunting task. Then I took the [Plan Your Novel] 30-Day Writing Challenge from the Barany School of Fiction.

This comprehensive set of classes and group coaching gave me the tools I needed to make it not only to the 50K November goal but far beyond and my story continued."

Hugh Tipping


"I wasn’t sure I would finish the work when I started, but once I began Beth’s program I was able to progress at a steady pace.

[The] schedule helped keep me moving consistently forward in a supportive environment with no episodes of the dreaded block.” 

Patricia Watson

Fiction and nonfiction author


Inside the Mastermind you'll

be a part of a COMMUNITY

Join a community of like-minded novelists eager to help share the journey and give creative feedback so your novel is the best it can be.

Develop YOur CharacterS

Gain insight on how to develop and write your characters so your readers fall in love with them.


Access over 20 courses in our library so you can go at your own pace.

Craft powerful scenes

Discover how to craft powerful scenes to carry the reader all the way to The End.


Learn how to create your story’s world so that your reader feels utterly transported to a futuristic or fantastical setting.


Discover how to develop your story so readers can’t put your novel down as they're on the edge of their seat the whole time.


Uncover how to do line editing - how to make your writing so smooth that the reader forgets they're even reading.


Discover how to market your book so when it’s time to take it to the public you have eager buyers waiting.


Uncover the ins and outs of the publishing world so you can become a published author.

Bonuses available if you sign up by Oct. 31st, 2024, 8:59pm Pacific/11:59pm Eastern.

Fast Acting Bonus -  Deep Dive Coaching Session with Creativity Coach Beth Barany

A coaching and change work one-on-one session. ($550 value.)


Beth will do a deep dive with you on your biggest dreams and concerns, so that you can start deepening your connection to your WIP (work-in-progress) and your creative practice.

Beth will look at your first five pages, so you can get direct feedback.

Signed Copy of Plan Your Novel Like A Pro

This book is a roadmap to planning your novel that also serves as the fundamentals checklist for what a good story needs.

We want to make sure you have the fundamentals at your fingertips anytime you need them.

($20 value.)

NLP for Fiction Writers course training

In this masterclass workshop replay, Beth Barany offers a transformative program for writers struggling with motivation or implementation of new ideas. Using Neurolinguistic programming (NLP), she helps writers unlock their potential. NLP can enhance character development, editing skills, and overall storytelling. This workshop equips writers with tools to overcome creative blocks, ask open-ended questions, and craft more compelling fiction. Writers will learn how to leverage NLP techniques to turn their dreams into actionable steps, leading to greater productivity and satisfaction in their writing journey. Taught inside of Stacy Juba's Shortcut for Writers platform and hosted by Stacy. 

($49 value.)

Twice-Monthly Writing Sprints

Join a group of writers on Zoom to spend time writing in the company of other writers. 

We want to support your writer's life and working together is one of the ways you can get your writing done.

($1200 value.)

Fellowship of the Pen Facebook group

Join our asynchronous group of over 500 writers to post questions; ask for support; come for learning and accountability. 

A place to get support from a large group of writers and get support from your peers because community is one of the key ingredients of how we succeed as writers. 

($1000 value.)

Two months free!

If you sign up by Oct. 31st, you'll get an additional two months of the program for free! That's the last 2 months of 2024, and all of 2025.

(Up to $3000 value.)

Join us, two multi-award-winning novelists and writing teachers who are happily married people and who love to have fun with fiction! 

Let’s work together to achieve your editing and publishing goals!

Why Join Our 12-Month Group Mastermind Program

Check-ins and feedback twice a month

Twice monthly meetings on Zoom where you receive teaching, do hands-on learning, and get direct feedback to help you stay on course.

All-Access Pass to Over 20 Courses

Learn at your own pace with the courses at Barany School of Fiction, including in-depth courses on novel planning, writing, editing, publishing, and marketing.

Optional One-on-one Support

Get developmental edits and author coaching with Beth Barany and accelerate your progress to a publication-ready novel.

I went from struggling writer to becoming an ePub’d writer with Beth’s help.

With her invaluable help, I wrote a 1950s Los Angeles Noir Boxing/love story, and it was published...

It was Beth’s belief in me and my talent that pushed me to work harder…

My confidence in my abilities to tell a story has grown phenomenally. I thank God for Beth’s help, caring, kick-in-the-butt techniques and her loving guidance.

Thank you Beth, for helping me to believe in myself, my talent, and my goals.


-- Author of Pulp-Fiction Romances

There are 3 levels of support:

Call to adventure - BASIC

Call to Adventure is for writers who want access to all the resources at Barany School of Fiction; access to Beth and Ezra connecting with you specifically via the online community; and the live twice monthly group calls. You also have access to Fellowship of the Pen, our student-wide community resources: writing sprints and other resource group calls.

crossing the threshold - Most popular

Crossing The Threshold is for writers who want all the group support and courses; and also want 1-1 support to tailored developmental in-depth edits. At this level, you also get a monthly one-on-one call with Beth. She will read up to 20 pages before the call, sent at least 1 week ahead of your coaching call. Calls are 45-60 minutes long.


Return with the Elixir is for writers who want to fast-track their progress. All the group support, plus twice a month editing (as needed edits, including line edits on story, character, word choice, flow, etc.) of up to 15-20 manuscript pages, corresponding to the two 1-1 calls per month. Plus: four 2-hour Mindset Coaching sessions on Writer’s Block, Self-Doubt, and Other Blocks to Getting To Your Writing; Plus: 2 Special VIP Days for an intensive coaching, editing, and masterminding with both Beth and Ezra.


What they say

"Before I started working with Beth in her Group Coaching program for Genre Novelists, I was stuck on where to go next with my WIP. I was a big time procrastinator.

On one hand I wanted to write but on the other hand, I never made time for it. She got me writing regularly and helped me overcome my procrastination.

She is a great listener, she really knows all about writing, and what's needed to finish a novel. After working with Beth I was on track with my writing, I had plans in motion to keep me going and the confidence that I could do it. She is a great coach."

Kate Robertson - Fantasy Novelist

"I know I've said this before, but THANK YOU for all of your help.

Your support, your words of encouragement, and your insightful feedback on my work, and your thoughts on writing process/practice have been immensely helpful."

Lucy Curran, Author

We have helped over 100 authors in this intimate group over the last ten years.

How can you be sure this program is right for you?

Great question! Let's talk!

And let's discover together if this program would be a good fit.
This program is designed for writers who have completed a science fiction or fantasy first draft.
Doesn't have to be perfect, it just needs to be done!

Click here to contact Beth for a no-obligation no-pressure Discovery Call

From Our Writers 

Richard Burns


“Beth’s Group Coaching helped me to go beyond mere good action and dialog.

I dig much deeper into the character interactions and emotions, make them real, make them grab the reader.

 [I] put a sharper microscope on character motivations. I’m more daring with relationships and improved the voice to fit the story.”

Eve Visconti


"The program is thorough, thought-provoking, and fun. When I started, I didn’t have a clue as to how to proceed on finishing my book. Having completed the course, I have a clear vision for my book, am writing every day, and accomplishing the goals that I have set for myself with the help of Beth’s course.

I have no doubt that I will complete my book, and Beth will have been instrumental in helping me getting the job done! Thanks, Beth.”

KA Whitehall

fantasy author

"Participating in the [program] is one of the best investments I have made for my writing craft.

The program provided the perfect mix of both education and support.

The program provided me with an expanded repertoire of tools that I now use on a daily basis and which provide me with an expanded sense of confidence and greater flow in my writing."

Are you ready to bring your dearest dream of being a published author into your lived, daily life?

Then join us!

Space is limited — we’re only accepting 3 more writers at this time so that we can give our full attention to the group.

They say that the best time to plant a tree was 30 years ago. And the second best time to plant one is today.

Plant the seed of your author career today. So that you have the full tree of your author career by the end of your (hopefully) long and creative life.

Your Writer's Life Starts Today

Steps to how we work Together


Sign up

Once you join, you'll receive a personalized welcome email with all the details, plus an invitation to fill out a short assessment, so we can keep an eye on your goals for the year.

Additionally, if you signed up for it, you'll be invited to choose a convenient time for the first 1-1 call (phone or Zoom) and send pages in ahead time for your developmental edit.


Grab Your All-Access Pass

Then you can sign up for the school to get access to the 20+ courses and instructions on how to join our community events: the twice monthly calls; the online community group; and the monthly writing sprints.


Show up!

Join the twice monthly small group call so we can support you, celebrate your writing steps, and help move you that much closer to your dream of being a published writer.

Now enrolling!

DATES: April 1, 2024 through March 31, 2025

*Yes, you can join this 12-month program any time during the year. You’ll get a full year of support and join a vibrant and intimate community.

Ready to join the mastermind?

Choose the option that works for you.

12-month Mastermind Group for Science Fiction and Fantasy Novelists

Call to Adventure


Per month

Twice-Monthly Support Calls

All-Access Pass to Barany School of Fiction

Fellowship of the Pen Community

most popular

Crossing the Threshold


Per month

Twice-Monthly Support Calls

All-Access Pass to Barany School of Fiction

Fellowship of the Pen Community

One-on-One Coaching and In-Depth Developmental Edits

Return with the Elixir


Per month

Twice-Monthly Support Calls

All-Access Pass to Barany School of Fiction

Fellowship of the Pen Community

One-on-One Coaching and In-Depth Developmental Edits

Four 2-hour Mindset Coaching Sessions

2 Special VIP Days

Call to Adventure


Per year

Twice-Monthly Support Calls

All-Access Pass to Barany School of Fiction

Fellowship of the Pen Community

most popular

Crossing the Threshold


Per year

Twice-Monthly Support Calls

All-Access Pass to Barany School of Fiction

Fellowship of the Pen Community

One-on-One Coaching and In-Depth Developmental Edits

Return with the Elixir


Per year

Twice-Monthly Support Calls

All-Access Pass to Barany School of Fiction

Fellowship of the Pen Community

One-on-One Coaching and In-Depth Developmental Edits

Four 2-hour Coaching Sessions

2 Special VIP Days

Pay monthly or full-pay for the year and get 2-months off.

Curious about what topics we cover?

We tailor topics to your needs and we have a tremendous library of courses and curriculum to cover a whole range of topics to help you plan, write, edit, publish, and market your science fiction or fantasy novel.

And more! We’re open to your questions, concerns, and are constantly creating new lessons tailored to you.

We’re here to mastermind with you. 

You don't need to go it alone anymore!

Instant access trainings to get your book edited and ready for publication

We currently have a foundation course and a line editing oriented course. The foundation course includes a refresher (or foundations) of character, plot, story structure, pacing, including character and point of view, conflict and story structure, creating a page-turner, developing a strong voice, and what makes for a strong, compelling read.

Tips on motivation, overcoming overwhelm

Due to all the steps involved in getting a book completed, polished, published, and marketed, we offer coaching and mindset tips woven in to all our live calls and all of our courses.

Acknowledging and addressing procrastination

We offer tips, tools, techniques on acknowledging and addressing procrastination, lack of motivation (even though you really want to write, and resistance (as Steven Pressfield calls it in The War of Art). We understand these phases quite well, both the psychology and ways to gently get back to your writing.

How to make friends with the internal editor 

We deeply understand the difference between writing and editing and so support you on how to make friends with the internal editor and how to put it to work at the proper time and not a moment too soon.

How to embrace your own writing and editing process

Each of us has our own. Let’s uncover yours! This belief is woven through all we do. We focus on how you can work with yourself not against yourself.

How to find editors/beta readers/critique partners

We have a course on this and are often discussing the particulars in our call, where each person's needs can be addressed.

Tips, steps, resources on self-publishing

We cover how to find cover and layout designers, ebook conversion; proof readers; and any other questions you have. We also have a course walking you through step-by-step ebook publishing.

Tips, steps, resources on traditional publishing

We can discuss how to find the right publisher, how to find a literary agent; how to pitch an agent or editor in person or in writing.

Marketing for introverted writers

We cover building your social media platform; using social media tools to build your brand; get started with a basic website; learn how to find reviewers.

Book marketing can be your friend.


How do I contact you if I have questions about the program?

Go here to fill out the short form and schedule a call: I look forward to our conversation.

Do I need to have a manuscript done when we start? Why?

Yes, please have your first draft done - completed - finished - even if it's written out of order. 
The reason you need your manuscript completed is that the main focus of the mastermind program is helping you edit and revise, and learn your marketing and publishing options. So you can sell your book.
We designed this program for dedicated science fiction and fantasy novelists who are already doing the work of writing their book and are ready to turn their dear story into a beautiful product for readers to enjoy and cherish.

What if I’m working on a trilogy/triptych or a quartet?

Wonderful! Both Beth and Ezra have worked on trilogies and quartets. During the program we recommend that you stay focused on editing one book at a time. That way you’ll be able to finish at least one book during the program. Past participants have actually finished their books and often started or even completed a second book.

Will you edit my material via the Facebook group?

No. If you sign up for the RETURN WITH THE ELIXIR level do I edit your pages directly. Starting at the CROSSING THE THRESHOLD level, I read your pages and give feedback. You are welcome though to upload your material and ask your cohorts in the circle for specific feedback. We’ll be giving you specific training and support on Beta Reading and Peer Critiques.

Will you provide line edits on my manuscript?

Yes, if you sign up for the CROSSING THE THRESHOLD or RETURN WITH THE ELIXIR levels.

When are the group calls and what if I can’t always attend the calls live?

The two times a month group calls are generally the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month (currently in the evening: 5:30pm PT/8:30pm ET). All group calls are recorded, in case you can’t make it live. The replays generally go up within 24 hours and you’ll have access to them via our online school, Barany School of Fiction.

Will you help me find an agent?

Yes, we will be covering how to query agents during the year. We teach you how to do this, so you know the strategies and tactics involved and also get feedback on your query letter.

Will you publish my book under your press?

No, we only publish our own books. But we can make referrals and help you find qualified professionals to help you self-publish, if that’s your chosen route.

Do you have Scholarships?

No, not at this time. I do have work/trade agreements. If you’re curious about how that might work for you, write Beth to initiate a discussion. Some of the things Beth needs are: marketing support; in-office organizational help; teacher’s assistants in the school (for alumni only.)
Listen to How To Write The Future podcast

For science fiction and fantasy authors who want to create optimistic stories.

A podcast for visionaries, futurists, foresight practitioners, and storytellers.

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My Recommended Resources

Books and articles to inspire you to action.

Get in Touch

Contact Beth and move forward on your novel today.

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